Anita Wehnert
Specialist in commercial and corporate law
Specialist in tax law
Her two specialist lawyer titles predestine Anita Wehnert for advisory mandates at the interface of corporate law and tax law. In her legal advice, she concentrates on public administration and municipal companies in the supply and disposal or health sectors. For example, Anita Wehnert accompanies restructuring and cooperation projects of municipal enterprises, advises on the drafting of contracts and regulations and trains the responsible committees and employees. In addition, she prepares expert opinions on issues of municipal law, coordinates coordination processes with public authorities and, if necessary, also represents interests in court.
In civil law related to municipal law, Anita Wehnert has acquired a high level of competence in the field of water management over the past years. She can therefore advise her clients on many legal issues relating to water supply and wastewater disposal. The scope of her work ranges from drafting contracts to representing clients' interests in court, for example in disputes regarding building cost subsidies, house connection costs, fees and obligations to tolerate or cease and desist.
Finally, as a compliance officer, Ms Wehnert supports and accompanies companies in all compliance-relevant issues, in particular on the establishment and organisation of a compliance management system that meets the requirements.
Anita Wehnert is a member of the examination board for the Second State Law Examination in the Free State of Saxony.
Condition at the piano. It's not that Anita Wehnert's everyday working life doesn't have its challenges. Nevertheless, she likes to go that little bit further in her free time - in sporting challenges that some would call "extreme". And even as a long-time hobby pianist, Anita Wehnert is said to cut an extremely fine figure.
Anita Wehnert
Specialist in commercial and corporate law
Specialist in tax law