Dr. Tina Lorenz
Specialist in labour law

As a specialist lawyer for labour law, Dr Tina Lorenz primarily develops contemporary personnel management concepts for employers. She advises her clients on recruiting and employing staff from non-EU countries, designs flexible working time and remuneration systems and implements them in the company together with her clients. Furthermore, Dr Lorenz negotiates collective agreements and works agreements on the employer side. She accompanies restructuring projects and company acquisitions.
The focus of Dr Tina Lorenz's labour law advice is on employers in small and medium-sized enterprises, including many companies from the health care sector and the social economy. She also supports church-owned companies with her extensive expertise in church labour law.
She advises her clients on all labour law issues and represents them before the labour court, the church court and in the conciliation board. She also has extensive knowledge of stage labour law.
Ritmo latino. The sound of Latin America is in Tina Lorenz's blood - as a traveller and musician in equal measure. She seeks adventure in Colombian coffee plantations and brings the rhythm of the Caribbean to German stages with her band. Whether salsa or reggae is almost irrelevant, as long as there are a few notes for her saxophone and the sound makes the audience dream of warm summer nights.
Dr. Tina Lorenz
Specialist in labour law